With that said, the browser is still pretty good. It’s tabbed interface is easy to use, and the thumbnail-based bookmarks are also simple enough to deal with. I noted no real page rendering issues in my tests, though I did have trouble getting Flash based YouTube videos to go full screen and occasionally saw problems with double-tap based zooming. On top of that, the browser scrolls and pans a bit too quickly, as I mentioned previously. It’s certainly no Apple iPad 2, but since it costs less than half as much, it doesn’t have to be in order to be a huge success. And I do expect it to be a huge success. It’s the first Android tablet to really matter from a general consumer’s standpoint, and it’s far simpler to use than Google’s Android Honeycomb powered tablets. That’s good enough for me. Cons: Boring design, somewhat clumsy user interface, no volume controls.