While we did receive an average of 43fps at 2560x1600 in our Crysis Warhead test, we were only using high quality settings with both AA and AF disabled. This made the Radeon HD 5970 around 13% faster than the GeForce GTX 295 and 48% faster than the Radeon HD 5870. Far Cry 2 uses a heavily modified version of the CryEngine found on the original Far Cry title, known as the Dunia game engine. Although very demanding in its own right, we were able to use 8xAA with maximum in-game quality settings and still achieve and average of 49fps at 2560x1600. Overall, the Radeon HD 5970 was 26% faster than the GeForce GTX 295 and 44% faster than the Radeon HD 5870.