The ISP further noted that DOCSIS 4.0 will be compatible via the connections already installed in hundreds of millions of homes worldwide, so that’s one less thing to have to worry with in terms of infrastructure support. Comcast’s results are certainly impressive, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. As developers refine the technology, speeds are expected to increase significantly. After all, the name of the initiative is 10G, and their ultimate goal is to deliver Internet speeds of 10 gigabits per second.

Comcast has made meaningful progress on the project as of late. For comparison, a similar test in October 2020 was only able to reach consistent speeds of 1.25 Gbps up and down over a residential connection. Unfortunately, Comcast didn’t say when the 10G service might be ready. Considering they haven’t quite reached the half way point of the project’s speed goal, it could be a while longer before the service becomes commercially available. Those seeking the fastest connection possible will have to settle for whatever is available in their area at the moment. For me personally, that looks like 1200 Mbps.