Interestingly once again we see that the R9 Fury X Crossfire cards are no faster than the R9 295X2, this time when testing with Grand Theft Auto V. The overclocked GTX 980 Ti SLI cards were 10% faster than their non-overclocked configuration and 67% faster than the Fury X cards.

Interestingly, the R9 Fury X cards fall behind the R9 295X2 when looking at frame time performance in Grand Theft Auto V. This meant that the overclocked GeForce GTX 980 Ti SLI cards are now 67% faster than the overclocked Fury X Crossfire setup.

This time the R9 Fury X Crossfire cards are much faster than the R9 295X2 when comparing average frame rates, though only slightly faster when comparing the minimum frame rate. In fact, the minimum frame rate of the Fury X Crossfire setup was weak. Although they were 14% slower when comparing the average, they were also 41% slower when comparing the minimum frame rate.

The frame time performance isn’t great for AMD either. A pair of Fury X cards deliver about the same performance as a single GTX 980 Ti or Fury X. The 1% time of the GTX 980 Ti SLI cards was strong with the overclocked configuration delivering 62% more performance than the Fury X setup.