When it comes to file compression performance the 9900K is roughly on par with the 7820X while the 9700K fell just short of the 8700K which meant it was also slower than the 2700X.

Decompression performance is significantly stronger on the AMD CPUs and here even the Ryzen 7 1800X is able to edge ahead of the 9900K. The 9700K was able to slot back in ahead of the 8700K making it just a fraction faster than the 2600X.

Moving on to our Excel testing and here we see a rapid completion time of just 1.8 seconds for the 9900K, reducing the completion time by 32% when compared to the 9700K and 19% when compared to the 2700X. So a solid result for the 9900K, the 9700K was much less impressive though, only slotting in between the 8700K and Ryzen 5 2600X.

The Core i7-8700K already had the Ryzen 7 2700X beat in HandBrake so the new 8-core models take that a step further, even the 9700K was seen to be faster than the 8700K here. When compared to the 2700X the 9900K was 32% faster, though it was 20% slower than the 2950X.

For those of you like me who use Premiere Pro CC a lot or any other video software on a daily basis these numbers will be of great interest. Here the encoding performance of the 9900K is roughly on part with the 7820X, meaning was 8% faster than the 2700X and 17% faster than the 9700K. That said it was almost 20% slower than the 2950X, so if time really is money that’s still a better option.

Editing performance with our warp stabilizer test sees the 9900K only just edge ahead of the 8700K and 9700K. This meant while it was a bit faster than the Ryzen 7 2700X it was quite a bit slower than the 2950X.