With a throughput of 502.2MB/s, the Vertex 4’s sequential read performance in AS SSD Benchmark was similar to the HyperX 3K, 830 Series and m4 drives while being 19% faster than the Octane.

As with CrystalDiskMark, the Vertex 4 dominates the sequential write chart with a speed of 461.9MB/s, 45% faster than the HyperX 3K and almost 100% faster than the m4.

The Vertex 4 displayed strong read performance in AS SSD Benchmark’s 4K-64 thread read test with a rate of 244MB/s, 20% faster than the HyperX 3K and 61% faster than the m4.

When measuring 4K-64 thread write performance, the Vertex 4 was 9% slower than the HyperX and 7% faster than the m4.

AS SSD Benchmark reported the read access as 0.131ms, which is slower than the 830 Series, HyperX 3K and even the Octane.

Despite its average read access time, the Vertex 4’s write access time was an impressive 0.044ms, faster than any drive previously tested and significantly faster than the HyperX 3K and m4.