The Intel X25-M drops quite a bit of read performance in CrystalDiskMark once full. The Samsung and Indilinx based SSDs do not appear to be affected yet.

Looking at write performance we see that the Corsair P struggles quite a bit, dropping over 20% of its original performance. There was again little to no impact seen when using the Indilinx SSDs.

The random 4KB read test had the Intel X25-M see the greatest drop in performance, while the Samsung and Indilinx SSDs only dropped a few MB/s.

When running the 4KB write test the Intel X25-M’s performance was almost halved (while still remaining the fastest drive). The Indilinx SSDs also saw significant performance reductions. The Corsair P Series performance drop wasn’t as bad but then again it was already much slower than Indilinx SSDs.