Subscribers can choose from one of seven different tacos including the crunchy taco, crunchy taco supreme, soft taco, soft taco supreme, spicy potato soft taco, Doritos locos tacos and the Doritos locos tacos supreme. The Taco Lover’s Pass is priced at $10 and can be purchased by Taco Bell rewards program members. Taco Bell tested the idea in Tucson, Arizona, in September 2021, and found that 20 percent of participants were new to the Taco Bell rewards program. An additional 20 percent renewed for a second time, with the fan favorite taco being the Doritos locos tacos supreme.

Food-based subscription services are a risky proposition. If you’re anything like me, eating the same food every day is a surefire way to grow tired of it and not want it again for months or even years at a time. On the flip side, as Taco Bell discovered during its trial run, it’s a solid way to boost rewards program participation. What’s more, those who come in to redeem their free taco are likely also going to purchase additional menu items at regular price, thus boosting overall sales. And for those that subscribe but only use it a time or two a month, well that’s a win for Taco Bell, too. What are your thoughts? Are subscriptions getting out of hand or do you like the flexibility they afford, regardless of what category they fall into?