Total War Warhammer is the destroyer of CPUs though this time the FX-8370 does pretty well to hang in there with the G4560. That said, even with the GTX 1060 handling rendering, the R3 1200 was 20% faster than the FX chip, so a big upgrade there. That said, as we’ve seen multiple times now, the Core i5-2500K also does well for itself. In fact, once we increase the GPU power with the GTX 1070, the 2500K is now seen matching the Ryzen 5 1400, making it a little faster than the R3 1200. The FX-8370 is still stuck averaging around 60fps along with the G4560. We’re pretty much CPU bound with the GTX 1070, so upgrading to the GTX 1080 offers nothing here.

Folks with a GTX 1060 or slower will be served very well by any of these CPUs when playing Overwatch. All of the chips pushed over 100fps at all times. Moving to the GTX 1070 shook things up a little though interestingly the FX-8370 managed to stick with the Ryzen 3 1200 and turned in an impressive average of 185fps. The 2500K was faster again, though not by much this time. Meanwhile the Ryzen 5 1400 was able to boost the minimum frame rate by 12% over the 2500K.

Then with the GTX 1080 we find what looks to be the limits of the FX-8370. Its minimum frame rate came up quite a bit though the average was much the same, so when using more powerful GPUs the Ryzen 3 CPU will offer more headroom in this title.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is mostly GPU-bound in our testing, even at 1080p. Please note that I’m using the maximum in game quality settings which includes HairWorks. Using the GTX 1060 we see much the same performance on all five CPUs. It was a similar story with the GTX 1070 though the G4560’s minimum frame rate does slip behind here. When testing with the GTX 1080, the Ryzen CPUs and the 2500K were still able to get the most out of this high-end GPU.