Last week, lawmakers in the European Union passed legislation requiring electronics sold in the region to use a standard USB-C port for charging by the fall of 2024. Some US leaders want to follow in the EU’s footsteps on this matter. The senators argue that the industry’s failure to adopt a uniform charging standard is costly to consumers and results in excess e-waste and environmental damage. According to a cited report from the Global e-Waste Monitor, humans generated 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste in 2019 and only 17.4 percent was properly collected and recycled. The letter was signed by Senators Elizabeth Warren, Edward J. Markey and Bernard Sanders.

Arguments can be made for and against the creation and enforcement of a uniform charging standard for mobile devices. Such a mandate would indeed cut down on e-waste and save consumers money by not having to purchase new chargers as frequently. Chargers would also be readily available away from home, so you wouldn’t have to worry about bringing along your own or a portable battery bank. On the flip side, tech companies could argue that such restrictions would stifle innovation and slow the advancement of rapid charging devices. What are your thoughts? Should the US adopt a universal charging standard for mobile devices? If so, should it be USB-C or something else entirely? Image credit: Screen Post, Markus Winkler