The Steam Deck’s official Twitter account posted that the giveaway is in celebration of the Game Awards, which takes place on December 8, and Valve’s machine being in stock—the latter likely being a jab at the tech products that are still experiencing shortages this year. One Steam Deck will be given away every minute the Game Awards is broadcast. The show usually lasts around three hours, so we can expect at least 180 consoles to be handed out. There are a few restrictions if you want to participate in the competition. Firstly, it’s only available to those who live in the US, Canada, UK, or EU. You also need a Steam account that must be in “good standing,” which presumably means no bans or limited accounts, and you have to watch the show on Finally, those wanting to enter must have bought something on Steam between November 14, 2021, and November 14, 2022. That’s a year-long window, but with all the subscription services and alternative stores available today, there will likely be some users who haven’t purchased a game from Steam in the last 12 months. If you meet all those requirements, simply sign in and register on Steam’s Deck Drop page, and you’ll receive a notification via either email or the Steam Mobile app. There have been quite a few complaints from users who say they have been unable to register for the giveaway despite meeting all the prerequisites. Valve posted that it had fixed a few things on its side that should have addressed the problem, but it seems some people are still running into issues. H/t: PC Gamer